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Neuro Linguistic Programming
  1. Neuro Linguisitc Programming (NLP) is the study of how the human nervous system creates meaning as to how information is taken through the five senses. it's the study of the structure of the human experience. NLP creates the benefit of "modelling". Modelling is a process whereby we can literally deconstruct what somebody does in order to create a desired result or effect, and create a "model" (a formula of mental and physical things the do in an order of sequence) of it. it allows us to replicate that effect faster than it was originated.
  2. NLP is a living breathing, and growing entity in Your inner and outer world.
  3. Lives in crisis are transformed with neuro linguistic programming.
  4. With NLP,  You can access Your inner power, and discover your life's purpose, and start living a new and better life.
  5. NLP can help you custome design a new life.
  6. Neuro Linguistic Programming re-frames and re-programmes the mind and helps with issues of mental and physical health. NLP can assist you in all aspects of your life e.g:
  • traumas,

  • weight problems,

  • financial problems,

  • addictions,

  • sexual challenges,

  • anxiety,

  • depression,

  • school & studying,

  • sports excellence,

  • business excellence 

  • and many more.                   


NLP is safe, effective, and will have you operating at optimum energy levels, with precision focus.


  1. Hypnotherapy is an education and communication processby which the concious and subconcious mind agree. This is achieved by bypassing the critical faculty of the mind, and establishing selective thinking. The body will respond to whatever the mind agrees to. This means that whatever You can hold in the mind and feel as REAL, will manifest and become a reality.

  2. With hypnotherapy, you can unlock your true potential, to live the life that you deserve.

  3. Hypnotherapy will help you free your mind, and change your life.

   Hypnotherapy can be trusted as a complete therapeutic modality

  • Hypnotherapy addresses the root cause, by taking the patient to the point of entry of the belief, formed at the initial sensitizing, or trauma creation stage.

  • It releases emotinal charge from the cellular level, relieving the patient from effect completely.

  • It creates awareness of what could havebeen the highest response of the patient in that moment, and take back the empowered self from the damage that was caused to the self esteem of the patient from the trauma incident.

  • Hypnotherapy leaves the onus of the therapy completely with the patient, whereby the patient has to resolve it completely by understanding the lesson behind the incident. THe past integrates fully as an empowered self.

  • Cellular memories that have left behind the disease in the physical body in the form of sensation that causes anxiety and pain, also gets addressed completely where the healing is done at integrated levels of MIND (thought) => EMOTIONS => ENERGY =>ACTION (physicsal body); hence it completes the process of being free from disease and discomfort.


  1. Reiki is part of our genetic structure. It's and in-built intelligence that energises the mind, body, and spirit. Reiki stimulates growth, health, life, and healing.

  2. When the mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, the biological intelligence that governs the body's resources allows it to heal itself, and the proper functionaing of the body is intensified.

  3. Reiki is the key that unblocks the body's optimum capabilities. There are seven main energy centres in the body that control the flow of the universal life force. These energy centres are called the "chakras".

  4. Each energy centre (chakra) is responsible for supplying energy to specific parts of the body. When an energy centre is blocked or clogged, the body becomes sick, and the flow of energy is diluted.

  5. Reiki stimulates the body's immune system and natural healing abilities. With Reiki, the body will begin cleansing itself of toxins. As the poisons are removed, the body becomes re-balanced, and the body's healing process begins.


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